Hello, there. I can't stay long as it's very late already tonight. But I did want to say hi.
I just finished preparing my newsletter, set to go out tomorrow night. I wrote a new article for it: Stepping Up to the Plate. I'll post it for you on Sunday evening once my ezine has gone out.
As I prepared my ezine, I couldn't help but watch as the polls opened in Iraq. Can you imagine? Their first free election in 50 years?
I suppose if I were honest, I'd have to admit that, in the past, I have taken voting for granted. Once I turned of age and registered to vote, I was automatically able to do so. I personally didn't have to fight for that right.
But I am reminded of those who have fought to give me (and hold onto) that right. Thank you, my friends.
'Nite, all. Talk with you soon.